Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chaos Gnosticism

Chaos Gnosticism is defined here as any belief system that caters to the pursuit of experiencing chaos, first hand. The Chaos Gnostic seeks not just to observe, theorize, or mentally masturbate to the concept of chaos, but to experience it in its purist and most absolute form. They apply whichever tools and techniques prove themselves worthy. The aim is wrap their reality around the second pendulum, turning away from order's comforts and facing head-on a complete lack of causality as far as the mind's eye can see.

I plan to temporarily become a practitioner of Chaos Gnosticism, chronicling here my experiences, systems, and techniques. After the groundwork has been laid, I will take the plunge and you will hear all about it. Lucky you!

I plan to keep three different journals. The first to chronicle my day to day thoughts and happenings, the second to document my sessions (Everything about before, during, and after), and a third to jot down ideas about new techniques to be employed. I will post a template to use for the second. This may turn out to be too much work... But I hope I do it anyways, despite my irresponsibility.

If you're going to follow along, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, read the post on reality hacking safety and be wary of being lead to perform by preconceptions. This isn't a philosophical point; I am just saying don't spend your first day quiting your job and running around naked thinking somehow that means chaos... Reserve that for the fifth day ;-). Behavioral shifts are dangerous and you should plan that they either do not happen (learn to separate work from play) or plan for them to be guided. In other words; keep your pants on at work, but by all means take them off at home!

I encourage my readership to read along and to comment their own thoughts, feelings, or alternatives. Also, if you're following along, I highly recommend publishing at least the less private stuff.

Final words about the author. Chaos Gnosticism is a concept that was born in a bathroom while I was nodding off during extended sleep dep. I provide this tidbit as an offering of fuel, so that later you can tease me about my creation. Making fun is an important part of enlightenment.. or something like that.

I doubt I am the first to come up with the concept or the word pair. I suspect that I am either overwriting an already established word and/or definition. Actually, a quick Google search confirms this suspicion to some extent... But I'm totally better than them so :-p

Hail Eris, our lady of discord and the freaky cousin of Sophia!

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