Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Staying relatively sane

Oh, you... hi.

I believe all realities are equally real, but not equally useful. I am a wine taster of realities. However, a really shitty wine taster that has no sense of taste and a very low alcohol tolerance. As such, following certain guidelines is important to keeping myself relatively stable. Not sane; stable.

If you would like to follow along with some of the shifts I chronicle here, I recommend first forming a plan and an exit strategy for each. Some people can maintain the ability to switch lenses at will (this is my personal aim and passion), but it is always possible to lose your anchor. So in this post I'm going to outline some strategies.

First off, before anything else, Research, Research, RESEARCH!!!! Know what you're about to pit your self against. Without knowing where you're going, you can not protect your self. Oh, and remember to share your findings.

It is advantageous to have a way to rediscover your anchor and dispel the power of your newly adopted beliefs lest they take over. To this end, I recommend that you maintain a skeptic's journal to later reference. Write down all your current holdings and personal principles. In addition, as you research, note objections you may have with aspects of the system.

Some belief systems turn out to be rather frightening the deeper you go. For the purpose of not stoning your neighbor to death in front of the gates of the city, develop strict guidelines to circumscribe your behavior. For example, when planning to shift to Judaism, I modified with the principle of "Do no harm" and "Perform no act of hatred," to shield against Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Finding loopholes may be a fun technique to stay mostly within the system. As a side note, I never actually started the shift. It's still on the table.

Also, and this is important for a number of reasons, keep a time table. There should be definite start and stop dates. Otherwise you may become intoxicated and push beyond the point of "no return." Rather, the point where we beat you over the head until you snap out of it.

Finally, be sure to notify your friends about what's going on and ensure they know where your journals are... Yeah... Okay, enough warnings.

Hail Eris,

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